Check Out These 6 Secrets of Professional Painters

Painting an area is among the easiest and fastest content methods to clean up a home, but it may often seem like an overwhelming process. These tips from professional painters will help homeowners paint any sized room with amazing results.

1. Sand and Clean Walls First

If walls are greasy or dirty, the paint won't stick. Wash down walls with warm, soapy water or look at a degreaser if there's a lot of build up. For example, build ups are typical in areas above a stove. Also, make sure to fix any cracks or holes with putty or spackling paste. To go an extra step and get yourself a crisp, like-new appearance, sand the walls thoroughly including corners and trim lines.


2. Protect the Non-Painted Areas

Typically all painters know to use drop cloths and tape off the areas they don't really wish to color, but they might not know what equipment to use. Homeowners shouldn't use a vintage bed sheet as a decline cloth as it's too thin and will allow paint to seep right through to a floor beneath. They need to also not use a plastic tarp because it doesn't absorb the paint and can result in it being tracked through the entire house. If a tape will be involved, it's important always to utilize blue painters'tape and press it down with a scraper for a smooth line. Masking tape shouldn't be used since it often rips paint away when removed.

3. Avoid Getting Paint on the Ceiling

When painting near an uneven ceiling, it can be hard not to obtain color on the small, protruding bumps. One secret of professionals is to utilize a screwdriver to scrape a slim groove into the textured surface just along the edge of the wall. This is unnoticeable and allows the paintbrush to glide over the wall without getting color on the ceiling.

4. Utilize the Right Primer

Most professionals recommend an alcohol or alkyd based primer because they're thick and will cover the walls thoroughly. Be sure to prime the complete area, as spots will show through if they're primed unevenly. Also, think about a tinted primer. This will develop a more opaque base and will help the ultimate paint color appear more vibrant. It is also worth the excess expense to purchase a quality primer, because they tend to last longer.


5. Stock up the Brush

Many individuals first dip the brush then wipe it on the side of the bucket, but professional painters say not to do this. Instead, load up the brush and knock it gently to get rid of the big drips. This way the color continues in a heavy, even coat. A great brush is another worthwhile investment to make sure an excellent job.

6. Make use of a Bucket

A bucket with a grid is less messy and easier to go when compared to a roller pan. They can also hold far more paint. Additionally, painters often like to mix 2 or 3 cans together in a sizable bucket, also called boxing, because color can differ between cans. This creates a more cohesive and even look when the task is finished.